- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Cross Country
- Football
- Hockey
- Rowing
- Rugby League
- Rugby Union
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Touch Football
- Water Polo
Each of the 10 UQ colleges' Students' Clubs is a member of the Inter-College Council (ICC). The ICC is the body which organises the various annual competitions in which the 10 UQ colleges compete. The two main competitions are ICC Sport and ICC Cultural.
The ICC Sport competition comprises sixteen activities contested between the colleges and includes sports such as AFL, Basketball, Cricket and Rugby. A full list of ICC sports can be found here.
The ICC Cultural competition comprises eight activities contested between the colleges and includes Bandfest, Choralfest, Dancefest and Debating.
A full list of ICC Cultural activities can be found here.
All ICC sporting and cultural activities are organised by UQ college residents for UQ college residents and administered and conducted by UQ Sport.
ICC is a great organisation which adds a hugely significant dimension to your college experience. Through your membership of the St Leo's College Students' Club, you are automatically a member of ICC and it will gift you opportunities to represent St Leo's and participate with our colleague colleges in all manner of sports and activities.